Start your LLC with confidence

Whether you're ready to form or still deciding, we've got your back. Learn if an LLC is right for you—or enter your name to get started.

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Frequently asked questions:

Do I need an LLC?

No, but it may be in your best interest to have one as forming an LLC helps to protect your personal assets and can save you money on taxes. Forming an LLC also assisting in allowing you to open bank accounts, hire employees, obtain permits, enter contracts, and other dealings necessary to conduct business.

How do I form an LLC?

The first step is booking an appointment with us. Next, decide what you would like to name your business and we will determine whether the name is up for grabs. We will then as you a few more questions to determine a recommendation for the best LLC package plan that fits your needs. Lastly, we will complete and file your paperwork with the State of Maryland for you.

How am I taxed as an LLC?

You have different options to choose from when deciding how you want to be taxed. You choose. Single-member LLCs can file as a partnership and any LLC can file as a C or S corporation. Book an appointment with us to determine which option is best for you.

How am I taxed as an LLC?

You have different options to choose from when deciding how you want to be taxed. You choose. Single-member LLCs can file as a partnership and any LLC can file as a C or S corporation. Book an appointment with us to determine which option is best for you.

How much does it cost to form an LLC? 

It depends. Our price package plans start at $303 (plus filing fees), and you can add more services along the way as you discuss your business in depth with one of our expert business attorneys to decide what features best suite your needs. Something to keep in mind---these costs are often tax-deductible.

What’s the difference between an LLC and a corporation?

Both protect owners so they're not personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. But, key differences include how they're owned (LLCs have one or more individual members, and corporations have shareholders) and maintained (corporations generally have more formal record-keeping and reporting requirements).

How to start your LLC

  • Book an appointment with us today (insert button for calendly link)
  • Answer a few questions 
  • ​We’ll complete and file of required paperwork for you

Why Choose Us

Our passion is helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into businesses. We offer our customers compliance and advisory legal solutions throughout the entire State of Maryland. 

ATTORNEY ADVERTISEMENT. The information on this website should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of an attorney-client relationship. Any results set forth herein are based upon the facts of that particular case and do not represent a promise or guarantee. We act as business organizers only. Neither Kaitlyn Tauber nor Tauber Legal provide legal advice or legal assistance in connection with the form of business organized or form preparation.

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